Alphabetic Index of 302 More of the 5956 Relatives of
George Washington 1st US President
(Persons with names in GREEN are Direct Ancestors of
George Washington 1st US President).
(Persons with names in RED are Especially Notable Direct Ancestors of
George Washington 1st US President).
From KELLY, Gertrude L, (1863 - NA ) to MAINE, Helias 'de la Fleche' D (1080 - 1110).
Copyright 2007 by Terry J. Booth. Any reproduction or reuse is prohibited,
in whole or in part, without the express written permission of the author.

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'K' Surnames |
KELLY, Gertrude L, (1863 - NA ) |
KELLY, Harry T., (1873 - 1940) |
KELLY, James E., (1865 - 1924) | |
KELLY, James, (1829 - 1853) |
KELLY, John F[lagg?], (1870 - 1942) |
KELLY, John Ham, (1828 - 1903) | |
KENNEY, Elizabeth, (1615 - 1696) |
KENT, Aethelbert II 'Oiscing' (0710 - 0762) |
KENT, Aethelbert Of, Abbess of (0590 - 0647) | |
KENT, Daughter of Aethelbert ' (0755 - 0762) |
KENT, Daughter of Wihtrid 'Ois (0720 - 0762) |
KENT, Eadbald 'Oiscing' Of, Ki (0575 - 0640) | |
KENT, Egberht I 'Oiscing' Of, (0645 - 0673) |
KENT, Eomenric/Irminric 'Oisci (0505 - 0580) |
KENT, Eorcenberht 'Oiscing' Of (0620 - 0664) | |
KENT, Eormenhild 'Oiscing' Of, (0640 - 0675) |
KENT, Eormenhild 'Oiscing' Of, (0640 - 0675) |
KENT, Hengist 'of Beowulf' Of, (0420 - 0488) | |
KENT, Joan 'Fair Maiden of Ken (1328 - 1385) |
KENT, Ochta 'Oiscing' Of, Lege (0480 - 0539) |
KENT, Oeric/Aesc 'Oisc' Of, Le (0450 - 0512) | |
KENT, Saint_Aethelberht I 'Ois (0535 - 0616) |
KENT, Saint_Aethelberht I 'Ois (0535 - 0616) |
KENT, Wihtred 'Oiscing' Of, Ki (0670 - 0725) | |
KIELLE, Hannah, (1765 - 1849) |
KIEV, Agnesa Yaroslavna 'Anna' (1024 - 1075) |
KIEV, Alexander 'Battle on the (1220 - 1263) | |
KIEV, Anastasia Yaroslavna Of, (1026 - 1064) |
KIEV, Dabroniega Of, Princess (1012 - 1087) |
KIEV, Daniil Alexandrovitsch O (1261 - NA ) | |
KIEV, Elizabeth Of, Princess o (1022 - NA ) |
KIEV, Izyaslav I Yaroslavich O ( NA - 1078) |
KIEV, Jaroslaus I 'The Wise' O (0976 - 1054) | |
KIEV, Mistislav I Of, Grand Du (1076 - 1132) |
KIEV, Rostislav I Of, Grand Du (1100 - 1168) |
KIEV, Sbislava Of, (1090 - 1113) | |
KIEV, Svyatoslav (Svyatopolk) ( NA - 1076) |
KIEV, Valdimir Yaroslavich Of, ( NA - NA ) |
KIEV, Vladimir II Monomakh Of, (1053 - 1125) | |
KIEV, Vsevolod I Of, Grand Duk ( NA - 1093) |
KIEV, Yuri Dolgoruki Of, Grand (1090 - 1157) |
KIGHLEY, Richard, (1430 - NA ) | |
KILLINGHALL, John, (1400 - NA ) |
KILLINGHOLM, Alice DE, (1285 - 1356) |
KILLINGHOLM, Alice DE, (1285 - 1356) | |
KIRKBY, Mary, (1330 - 1399) |
KLEEF, Marie Von, (1420 - 1487) |
KLEVE, Marie Eleanor Von JULIC (1550 - 1608) | |
KLEVE, Wilhelm IV Herzog Von J (1516 - 1591) |
KNIGHT, Elizabeth, (1645 - 1725) |
KNOCKES, John DE, (1285 - NA ) | |
KNOLL, Katherine, (1335 - 1356) |
KNOWESLEY, Katherine DE, (1280 - 1325) |
KURLAND, Marie Amalie Von, Duc (1653 - 1711) | |
KYME, Lucy DE, (1290 - 1323) |
KYME, Simon DE, Lord of Sotby (1230 - 1248) |
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'L' Surnames |
| |
LACEY, Gilbert, (1435 - 1492) |
LACY, (Sir) Henry DE, Knight, (1251 - 1311) |
LACY, (Sir) Henry DE, Knight, (1251 - 1311) | |
LACY, Alice DE, Heiress of Kippax (1182 - 1209) |
LACY, Alice DE, Heiress of Kippax (1182 - 1209) |
LACY, Gilbert II DE, Master of (1200 - 1230) | |
LACY, MCSurety_John DE, 1st Ea (1195 - 1240) |
LACY, Margaret, (1340 - NA ) |
LACY, Maud DE, Heiress of Ludlow (1228 - 1304) | |
LACY, Maud DE, (1220 - 1289) |
LACY, Roger DE, Constable of C (1176 - 1211) |
LANCASTER, (Sir) Henry 'Planta (1281 - 1345) | |
LANCASTER, (Sir) Henry II 'Pla ( NA - 1361) |
LANCASTER, (Sir) Thomas 'Plant (1278 - 1322) |
LANCASTER, Avice DE, (1145 - 1191) | |
LANCASTER, Blanche 'Plantagene (1345 - 1369) |
LANCASTER, Elizabeth 'Plantage ( NA - NA ) |
LANCASTER, Gilbert DE, 4th Bar (1105 - NA ) | |
LANCASTER, Hawise DE, (1172 - 1226) |
LANCASTER, Hawise DE, (1195 - 1208) |
LANCASTER, Henry IV 'Plantagen (1366 - 1413) | |
LANCASTER, Henry IV 'Plantagen (1366 - 1413) |
LANCASTER, Joan 'Plantagenet' Of, (1315 - 1349) |
LANCASTER, John 'Plantagenet' (1286 - 1318) | |
LANCASTER, Mary 'Plantagenet' Of, ( NA - 1362) |
LANCASTER, Maud 'Plantagenet' Of, (1339 - 1362) |
LANCASTER, Philippa 'Plantagen (1360 - 1415) | |
LANCASTER, William DE, Lord of (1190 - NA ) |
LANCASTER, William I DE, 5th B (1125 - NA ) |
LANDEN, Pepin I 'the Elder' 'P (0590 - 0646) | |
LANDEN, Saint_Begga Of, ( NA - NA ) |
LANGELEY, Alianore DE, (1250 - 1287) |
LANGELEY, Edmund 'Plantagenet' (1341 - 1402) | |
LANGELEY, Edmund 'Plantagenet' (1341 - 1402) |
LANGFIELD, Ellen DE, (1310 - 1360) |
LANGFIELD, Mary, (1380 - NA ) | |
LANGFORD, Alice, (1445 - 1597) |
LANGFORD, Edward, M.P. (1420 - NA ) |
LANGTON, (Sir) Thomas, Knight (1410 - NA ) | |
LANGTON, Beatrix DE, (1145 - 1166) |
LANVALLEI, (Sir) MCSurety_Will (1180 - 1217) |
LANVALLEI, (Sir) William DE, (1155 - 1205) | |
LANVALLEI, Gunnora DE, (1190 - 1269) |
LANVALLEI, Gunnora DE, (1190 - 1269) |
LANVALLEI, Hawise DE, Heiress (1200 - 1249) | |
LANVALLEI, William DE, (1125 - 1180) |
LAON, Bertha DE, (0725 - 0783) |
LAON, Charibert DE, Duque de Laon (0690 - 0762) | |
LAON, Martin DE, Comte de Laon (0655 - NA ) |
LARA, Blanca Fernanda DE LA CE (1311 - 1347) |
LASCELLES, Agnes DE, (1190 - 1272) | |
LASCELLES, Johanna, (1375 - 1468) |
LATHOM, (Sir) Henry 'FitzSiwar (1095 - 1128) |
LATHOM, (Sir) Richard Fitz Rob (1170 - 1201) | |
LATHOM, (Sir) Robert DE, Knight (1220 - 1286) |
LATHOM, (Sir) Robert DE, Knight (1275 - 1325) |
LATHOM, (Sir) Robert DE, Sheri (1245 - 1290) | |
LATHOM, (Sir) Thomas DE, Knight (1300 - 1370) |
LATHOM, (Sir) Thomas DE, Knight (1300 - 1370) |
LATHOM, (Sir) Thomas De, Knight (1329 - NA ) | |
LATHOM, Alice, (1270 - 1310) |
LATHOM, Cecilia DE, (1230 - 1286) |
LATHOM, Isabel, (1266 - 1290) | |
LATHOM, Richard DE, (1195 - 1286) |
LATHOM, Robert DE, (1150 - 1201) |
LATHOM, Robert Fitz Henry DE, (1125 - 1201) | |
LATHOM, Siward, (1070 - 1280) |
LAUND, Maud DE LA, (1400 - 1419) |
LAVAL, Daughter of Guy DE, (1080 - 1120) | |
LAVAL, Guy DE, (1135 - NA ) |
LAVAL, Jeanne DE, (1390 - 1468) |
LAWSON, (Reverend) John, (1583 - NA ) | |
LAWSON, Christopher, (1616 - 1682) |
LAWSON, Mary, (1645 - NA ) |
LAWSON, Thomas, (1643 - NA ) | |
LEA, Henry DE, Sheriff of Lanc (1235 - 1283) |
LEA, Henry DE, (1285 - NA ) |
LEA, Henry DE, (1177 - 1208) | |
LEA, John DE, Lord of Lea (1205 - 1244) |
LEA, Sibilla DE, ( NA - NA ) |
LEA, William DE, 6th Baron Ken (1154 - 1184) | |
LEA, William DE, Baron of Kendall (1258 - 1302) |
LEAVITT, Emily B. "Emma", (1842 - 1927) |
LEGH, (Sir) Peter, Lord of Lym (1328 - 1399) | |
LEGH, Agnes DE, (1256 - NA ) |
LEGH, Gilbert, (1435 - NA ) |
LEGH, John DE, (1275 - 1325) | |
LEGH, Margaret, (1321 - 1360) |
LEGH, Robert DE, (1300 - NA ) |
LEGH, Robert, (1324 - NA ) | |
LEGH, Susanna, (1325 - 1360) |
LEIGHTON, Elizabeth, (1691 - NA ) |
LEINSTER, Diarmait MacMael NA, (0995 - 1072) | |
LEINSTER, Murchadh NA, (1025 - 1070) |
LEINSTER, Wife of Kenneth II o (0935 - 0995) |
LENS, Daughter of the Castella (0950 - NA ) | |
LENTON, Agnes, (1525 - 1581) |
LENZBURG, Ancilie VON, (0974 - 1042) |
LESSLYN, (Sir) Bartholomew Bar (1045 - NA ) | |
LEUCHARS, Orabella DE, Comtess (1139 - 1203) |
LEVENTHORP, John de, (1325 - NA ) |
LEVENTHORPE, Mr, (1460 - NA ) | |
LEVERSEGE, Isota, Heiress of L (1310 - NA ) |
LEVINGTON, Daughter of, Heires (1248 - 1272) |
LEVINGTON, Ralph DE, (1220 - NA ) | |
LEWIS, Fielding, (1730 - NA ) |
LEYBORNE, (Sir) Thomas DE, (1284 - NA ) |
LEYBORNE, Juliana DE, ( NA - NA ) | |
LEYBORNE, Juliana DE, ( NA - NA ) |
LEYBORNE, Roger DE, (1240 - NA ) |
LEYBORNE, William DE, (1262 - NA ) | |
LEYBURN, Idonea DE, (1285 - 1322) |
LIMBURG, Margaret von, ( NA - NA ) |
LIMESI, Robert DE, Lord of Cav (1170 - 1195) | |
LISLE, Adeliza DE, Heiress of (1078 - 1124) |
LISLE, Alice DE, (1340 - 1401) |
LISTER, Christopher, (1448 - NA ) | |
LISTER, Elizabeth, (1530 - 1582) |
LITHUANIA, Sofia Witotovna Of, (1375 - 1453) |
LLEWELYN, Catharine Verch, (1279 - NA ) | |
LLEWELYN, Gruffydd AP, King of ( NA - 1063) |
LLEWELYN, Margaret Verch, (1205 - 1268) |
LLEWELYN, Thomas Ap, Lord of I (1309 - 1343) | |
LLUCA, Gisla DE, (1005 - 1079) |
LLYWELYN, Dafydd Ap, (1208 - 1245) |
LLYWELYN, Gwladys 'Dhu' Verch, (1200 - NA ) | |
LLYWELYN, Helen Verch, (1206 - 1253) |
LOCHES, Rosalie DE, (0882 - 0929) |
LOMBARDS, Waldrada Of, (0530 - 0572) | |
LONGCHAMP, Margaret DE, (1155 - 1230) |
LONGESPEE, (Sir) MCAdvisor_Wil (1176 - 1226) |
LONGESPEE, (Sir) MCAdvisor_Wil (1176 - 1226) | |
LONGESPEE, (Sir) William II 'P (1207 - 1250) |
LONGESPEE, (Sir) William, (1230 - 1256) |
LONGESPEE, Agnes, Abbess of Sh (1233 - NA ) | |
LONGESPEE, Ela 'Plantagenet' LE, (1220 - 1298) |
LONGESPEE, Ela 'Plantagenet' LE, (1220 - 1298) |
LONGESPEE, Ela LE, (1246 - 1276) | |
LONGESPEE, Ela, (1228 - 1299) |
LONGESPEE, Ida 'Idonea' 'Plant (1200 - 1266) |
LONGESPEE, Ida 'Plantagenet', (1226 - 1271) | |
LONGESPEE, Isabel 'Plantagenet (1209 - 1244) |
LONGESPEE, Isabel 'Plantagenet (1209 - 1244) |
LONGESPEE, Margaret, (1252 - 1322) | |
LONGESPEE, Margaret, (1252 - 1322) |
LONGESPEE, Mary 'Plantagenet' (1200 - NA ) |
LONGESPEE, Richard, (1240 - 1265) | |
LONGESPEE, Stephen 'Plantagene ( NA - 1274) |
LONGVILLERS, Margaret DE, (1240 - 1319) |
LONGWY, Ermesinde DE, (1030 - 1058) | |
LOOS, Imaine von, (1152 - NA ) |
LORD, Martha, (1710 - NA ) |
LORRAINE, Alberade DE, (0930 - 0972) | |
LORRAINE, Bertha DE, Princess (0863 - 0925) |
LORRAINE, Edzo DE, Pfalzgraf o (0955 - 1034) |
LORRAINE, Ermengarde Of, (0855 - 0897) | |
LORRAINE, Gerberga DE, (0935 - 1000) |
LORRAINE, Giselbert I DE, Comt (0795 - 0842) |
LORRAINE, Giselbert I DE, Duke (0888 - 0939) | |
LORRAINE, Giselbert II 'de Maa (0820 - 0877) |
LORRAINE, Godfrey 'the Bearded (1005 - 1069) |
LORRAINE, Gozelo I DE, Duc de (0967 - 1044) | |
LORRAINE, Hildegarde DE, (0985 - 1046) |
LORRAINE, Ida DE, (1040 - 1113) |
LORRAINE, Ida DE, (1106 - NA ) | |
LORRAINE, Lothair I DE, King o (0827 - 0869) |
LORRAINE, Louise DE, (1553 - 1600) |
LORRAINE, Regilindus DE, (1000 - 1064) | |
LORTY, Joan, (1300 - 1322) |
LOSTOCK, Dionysia DE, (1220 - 1234) |
LOURENCO, Teresa Gille DE, (1335 - NA ) | |
LOUVAIN, (Sir) Matthew DE, Lor (1195 - 1258) |
LOUVAIN, (Sir) Nicholas DE, (1325 - NA ) |
LOUVAIN, Adele DE, Heiress of (0929 - NA ) | |
LOUVAIN, Adele DE, (1030 - 1083) |
LOUVAIN, Adeliza 'Adela' DE, (1103 - 1151) |
LOUVAIN, Godfrey I 'the Bearde (1060 - 1140) | |
LOUVAIN, Godfrey IV DE, Castel (1173 - 1226) |
LOUVAIN, Hawise DE, (1220 - 1255) |
LOUVAIN, Henry II DE, Comte de (1020 - 1079) | |
LOUVAIN, Henry III DE, Comte d (1050 - 1095) |
LOUVAIN, Ida DE, (1065 - 1139) |
LOUVAIN, Jean DE, (1025 - NA ) | |
LOUVAIN, Josceline DE, Lord of (1120 - 1180) |
LOUVAIN, Lambert I 'the Bearde (0950 - 1015) |
LOUVAIN, Lambert I 'the Bearde (0950 - 1015) | |
LOUVAIN, Lambert II 'Baudry' D (0990 - 1062) |
LOUVAIN, Landrade de, (1016 - NA ) |
LOUVAIN, Mahaut DE, (1000 - NA ) | |
LOVET, Cecily 'Alicia', (1240 - 1298) |
LOVET, Henry, (1235 - 1256) |
LUCY, (Sir) Thomas 'de Multon' (1225 - 1294) | |
LUCY, Alice DE, (1207 - 1288) |
LUCY, Alice DE, (1130 - 1179) |
LUCY, Amabel DE, Heiress of Eg (1205 - 1225) | |
LUCY, Aveline, (1122 - 1179) |
LUCY, Cecily DE, (1168 - NA ) |
LUCY, Maud DE, (1125 - 1179) | |
LUCY, Reynold DE, (1145 - 1199) |
LUCY, Richard 'the Loyal' DE, (1100 - 1179) |
LUCY, Richard DE, Lord of Cope (1170 - NA ) | |
LUCY, Richard DE, (1202 - 1243) |
LUMLEY, (Sir) Marmaduke DE, Kn (1314 - 1365) |
LUMLEY, (Sir) Ralph, Knight, 1 (1360 - 1400) | |
LUMLEY, (Sir) Robert DE, Knight (1290 - 1325) |
LUMLEY, Margaret, (1400 - 1443) |
LUNET, Henry, (1330 - NA ) | |
LUSIGNAN, (Lord) Geoffrey DE, ( NA - 1275) |
LUSIGNAN, (Lord) Hugh X 'le Br (1183 - 1246) |
LUSIGNAN, (Lord) William DE, E (1225 - 1296) | |
LUSIGNAN, Alice DE, (1224 - 1256) |
LUSIGNAN, Anne DE, (1419 - 1462) |
LUSIGNAN, Guy DE, Lord of Cognac (1222 - 1264) | |
LUSIGNAN, Hugh XI DE, Lord of ( NA - NA ) |
LUSIGNAN, Jeanne DE, (1262 - 1323) |
LUSIGNAN, Maud DE, ( NA - 1241) | |
LUTEGARESHALE, Piers DE, (Ance (1134 - 1198) |
LUXEMBOURG, Ermesinde Of, Gräf (1082 - 1141) |
LUXEMBOURG, Frederick I Of, Co (0965 - 1019) | |
LUXEMBOURG, Gisele DE, (1025 - 1058) |
LUXEMBOURG, Luitgarde Of, (0966 - 1005) |
LUXEMBOURG, Marie DE, Comtesse (1466 - 1547) | |
LUXEMBOURG, Otgiva DE, (0988 - 1030) |
LUXEMBOURG, Philippa DE, (1255 - NA ) |
LUXEMBOURG, Siegfried DE, (0922 - 0998) | |
'M' Surnames |
| |
MACBRANAIN, Orlaith, (1075 - 1687) |
MACBRICE, Sadb, (1030 - 1687) |
MACETH, Daughter of, (1083 - 1187) | |
MACETH, Duff, 2nd Earl of Fife (1078 - NA ) |
MACETH, Malcolm II, 1st Earl o (1103 - 1168) |
MACMOROUGH, Aoife 'Eve', (1141 - 1186) | |
MACMOROUGH, Diarmait 'Dermot' (1100 - 1171) |
MACMOROUGH, Duncan 'Donnchadh' (1055 - 1115) |
MACON, Alberic II DE, Comte de (0949 - NA ) | |
MACON, Beatrice DE, (1161 - 1230) |
MACON, Beatrice DE, (0970 - 1018) |
MACON, Daughter of Alberic II DE, (0970 - NA ) | |
MACON, Ermengarde DE, (0972 - 1018) |
MACON, Gerberga DE, (0938 - 0991) |
MACON, Letalde I DE, Comte de (0910 - 0965) | |
MADISON, James, Jr., 4th Presi (1750 - 1836) |
MADISON, James, (1723 - 1801) |
MAINE, Blichilde DE, (0827 - 1000) | |
MAINE, Ermengarde DU, Comtesse (1097 - NA ) |
MAINE, Gersende DU, (1019 - 1096) |
MAINE, Helias 'de la Fleche' D (1080 - 1110) | |
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