Some Descendants of Clovis 'the Riparian' Of COLOGNE, King of Cologne (375 - 420)
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(Persons with names shown in Green are Direct Ancestors of George Washington 1st US President) (Persons with names in RED are Especially Notable Direct Ancestors of George Washington 1st US President).
Copyright 2007 by Terry J. Booth.
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First Generation

| Click Wikipedia for more on Clovis 'the Riparian' Of COLOGNE |  |
1. Clovis 'the Riparian' Of COLOGNE King of Cologne 68 2273 was born Abt 0375 in Cologne (Koln), Germany 68 and died After 0420.68 2273
Clovis married Wife of Clovis Of (COLOGNE) UNKNOWN Cir 0395. Wife was born Cir 0380.
The Child from this marriage was:

Second Generation

2. Childebert I Of COLOGNE King of Cologne 68 2274 (Clovis 'the Riparian' Of King of Cologne 1) was born Abt 0400 in Reims, Marne, Champagne, France 68 and died After 23 Nov 0450.68 2274
Childebert married Wife of Childebert I Of (COLOGNE) UNKNOWN Cir 0440. Wife was born Cir 0420.
The Child from this marriage was:

Third Generation

3. Sigebert I 'The Lame' Of COLOGNE King of Cologne 68 2275 (Childebert I Of King of Cologne 2, Clovis 'the Riparian' Of King of Cologne 1) was born Abt 0445 in Cologne (Koln), Germany 68 and died in 0509 in Murdered by his son Cloderic at instigation of Clovis I King of Franks.68 2275
Sigebert married Wife of Sigebert I Of (COLOGNE) UNKNOWN Cir 0470. Wife was born Cir 0450.
The Child from this marriage was:

Fourth Generation

4. Cloderic I 'The Parricide' Of COLOGNE King of Cologne 68 2276 (Sigebert I 'The Lame' Of King of Cologne 3, Childebert I Of King of Cologne 2, Clovis 'the Riparian' Of King of Cologne 1) was born Abt 0475 in Cologne (Koln), Germany 68 and died in 0509 in Murdered by agents of Clovis I King of Franks.68
Cloderic married Wife of Cloderic I Of (COLOGNE) UNKNOWN Cir 0500. Wife was born Cir 0480.
The Child from this marriage was:

Fifth Generation

5. Munderic Of VITREY Lord of Vitrey 68 2277 (Cloderic I 'The Parricide' Of King of Cologne 4, Sigebert I 'The Lame' Of King of Cologne 3, Childebert I Of King of Cologne 2, Clovis 'the Riparian' Of King of Cologne 1) was born Abt 0505 in Cologne (Koln), Germany 68 2277 and died Abt 0575 in Vitrey-en-Perthois, Marne, Champagne, France.68
Munderic married Arthemia Of PERTHOIS 68 Cir 0540. Arthemia was born Abt 0525 in Perthois, Marne, Champagne, France.68
The Child from this marriage was:

Sixth Generation

6. Saint_Gondolfus Of TONGRES Bishop of Tongres 68 2143 2278 (Munderic Of Lord of Vitrey 5, Cloderic I 'The Parricide' Of King of Cologne 4, Sigebert I 'The Lame' Of King of Cologne 3, Childebert I Of King of Cologne 2, Clovis 'the Riparian' Of King of Cologne 1) was born Abt 0545 in Aquitaine, France 68 and died After 0599 in Bourges, France.68 2278
Saint_Gondolfus married Palatina Of TROYES,68 2143 daughter of Maurilion DE GALLO Bishop of Troyes, Patrician of Roman Empire and Daughter Of Berthar Of THURINGE, Cir 0565.2143 Palatina was born Abt 0547 in Troyes, Aube, Champagne, France 68 and died of Tongres, France.
The Child from this marriage was:

Seventh Generation

7. Bodegeisel II Of AQUITAINE Governor of Aquitaine 68 2279 (Saint_Gondolfus Of Bishop of Tongres 6, Munderic Of Lord of Vitrey 5, Cloderic I 'The Parricide' Of King of Cologne 4, Sigebert I 'The Lame' Of King of Cologne 3, Childebert I Of King of Cologne 2, Clovis 'the Riparian' Of King of Cologne 1) was born Abt 0566 in Aquitaine, France 68 and died Abt 0610 in Carthage, Africa (Murdered returning from Constantinople).68
Bodegeisel married Oda Of SUEVIA.68 2279 2279 Oda was born Abt 0567 in Swabia, Germany 68 and died in 0636.68
The Child from this marriage was:

Eighth Generation

| Click Wikipedia for more on Saint_Arnulf Of AUSTRASIA |  |
8. Saint_Arnulf Of AUSTRASIA Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia, Bishop of Metz 68 2280 2281 2282 2283 (Bodegeisel II Of Governor of Aquitaine 7, Saint_Gondolfus Of Bishop of Tongres 6, Munderic Of Lord of Vitrey 5, Cloderic I 'The Parricide' Of King of Cologne 4, Sigebert I 'The Lame' Of King of Cologne 3, Childebert I Of King of Cologne 2, Clovis 'the Riparian' Of King of Cologne 1) was born Abt 13 Aug 0582 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium,68 2283 died 18 Jul 0640 in Remiremont, France,68 2280 2281 2283 and was buried in Church of Apostles in Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France.68 2283 Another name for Saint_Arnulf was Arnoul de HERISTAL.68
Saint_Arnulf married Dode Clothilde DE HERISTAL (See Link for Ancestry),68 2280 2282 daughter of Arnoldus DE METZ Bishop of Metz (601-611) and Itte 'Oda' VON SWABIA, Abt 0596.68 2280 2282 Dode was born Abt 0583 in Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France 68 and died in 0650 in Died as a Nun in Treves, Rhenish Prussia, Germany.68 Another name for Dode was Doda Clothilde DE METZ.
Children from this marriage were:
10. | ii. | Saint_Clodulf Of METZ Bishop of Metz [657-697] 68 2286 was born Abt 0604 in Austrasia, France 68 and died in 0690 in Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France (Austrasia).68 2286
Saint_Clodulf married.
11. | iii. | Walchigise Of VERDUN Comte de Verdun 68 was born Abt 0610 in Austrasia, France 68 and died in Verdun, Meuse, Lorraine, France.68
Walchigise married.

Ninth Generation

9. Ansgise Of AUSTRASIA Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia 68 2284 2285 (Saint_Arnulf Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia, Bishop of Metz 8, Bodegeisel II Of Governor of Aquitaine 7, Saint_Gondolfus Of Bishop of Tongres 6, Munderic Of Lord of Vitrey 5, Cloderic I 'The Parricide' Of King of Cologne 4, Sigebert I 'The Lame' Of King of Cologne 3, Childebert I Of King of Cologne 2, Clovis 'the Riparian' Of King of Cologne 1) was born Cir 0610 in Ansgise, Rhine-Westphalia, Austrasia, France 68 2285 and died in 0685 in Murdered at Andene Monastery, Siegburg, France.68 2285 Another name for Ansgise was Ansigisel of METZ.68
Ansgise married Saint_Begga Of LANDEN (See Link for Ancestry),68 2284 2285 daughter of Pepin I 'the Elder' 'Progenitor of Carolingians' Of LANDEN Major Domus of The Palace of Austrasia and Saint_Itte 'Iduberga' DE METZ, Bef 0639.68 2285 Saint_Begga was born in 0613 in Landen, Liege, Belgium 68 and died in 0694 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium 68 2285 at age 81.
Children from this marriage were:

Tenth Generation

12. Pepin II DE HERISTAL Major Domus of The Palace of Austrasia (679-714) 68 2287 2288 2289 (Ansgise Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia 9, Saint_Arnulf Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia, Bishop of Metz 8, Bodegeisel II Of Governor of Aquitaine 7, Saint_Gondolfus Of Bishop of Tongres 6, Munderic Of Lord of Vitrey 5, Cloderic I 'The Parricide' Of King of Cologne 4, Sigebert I 'The Lame' Of King of Cologne 3, Childebert I Of King of Cologne 2, Clovis 'the Riparian' Of King of Cologne 1) was born in 0635 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium 68 2288 and died 16 Dec 0714 in Jupille, Meuse, France.68 2287 2288 2290 Another name for Pepin was Pepin D' AUSTRASIA.68
Pepin married Plectrude Of AUSTRASIA,68 2080 2291 daughter of Hugobert Of AUSTRASIA Seneschal of Palace of Austrasia and Irmina Of OEREN, Cir 0665. Plectrude was born Abt 0645 of Moselle, Austrasia, France,68 died Abt 0717 in Cologne (Koln), Germany, and was buried in Cologne (Koln), Germany.
The Child from this marriage was:
15. | i. | Drogo DE HERISTAL Comte de Champagne 68 was born Abt 0670 in Austrasia, Flanders (now Belgium),68 died in 0708 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium,68 2080 and was buried in St-Pierre-aux-Nonnains, Metz, France. Another name for Drogo was Dreux D' AUSTRASIA.
Pepin had a relationship with Alpaide D' AUPOIS Mistress of Pepin II 68 2288 Cir 0688 in as his Mistress.68 2288 Alpaide was born in 0654 in Aipois (Chalpaida), Austrasia, Flanders (now Belgium) 68 and died After 0689 in Orplegrandmonast, Brabant, Vosges, France.68
Their Children were:
16. | i. |
Charles Martel 'the Hammer' 'Carolus' D' AUSTRASIA Mayor of The Palace of Austrasia was born in 0689 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium,68 980 2291 2292 died 22 Oct 0741 in Quierzy-sur-Oise, Aisne, Picardy, France,68 980 2291 2292 and was buried in Monastery of St Denis, Paris, Ile-de-France, France.68
17. | ii. | Childebrand I D' AUSTRASIA Seigneur de Perracy 68 2293 was born Abt 0691 in Perrancey, Haute-Marne, Champagne, France 68 and died Abt 0751 of Austrasia, Flanders (now Belgium).68 2293
13. Clotilde Of AUSTRASIA 68 (Ansgise Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia 9, Saint_Arnulf Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia, Bishop of Metz 8, Bodegeisel II Of Governor of Aquitaine 7, Saint_Gondolfus Of Bishop of Tongres 6, Munderic Of Lord of Vitrey 5, Cloderic I 'The Parricide' Of King of Cologne 4, Sigebert I 'The Lame' Of King of Cologne 3, Childebert I Of King of Cologne 2, Clovis 'the Riparian' Of King of Cologne 1) was born Abt 0650 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium 68 and died 3 Jun 0692.68
Clotilde married Theodoric 'Thierry' III 'of Merovinga' Of NUESTRIA King of all Franks (See Link for Ancestry) [679-691],68 son of Clovis II 'of Merovinga' Of FRANKS King of Nuestria and Burgundy [639-658] and Saint_Batthilde UNKNOWN, Abt 0670.68 Theodoric was born Abt 0651 in Nuestria (now Belgium) 68 and died Abt Mar 0691 of Nuestria (now Belgium).68
The Child from this marriage was:
14. Martin DE LAON Comte de Laon (Ansgise Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia 9, Saint_Arnulf Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia, Bishop of Metz 8, Bodegeisel II Of Governor of Aquitaine 7, Saint_Gondolfus Of Bishop of Tongres 6, Munderic Of Lord of Vitrey 5, Cloderic I 'The Parricide' Of King of Cologne 4, Sigebert I 'The Lame' Of King of Cologne 3, Childebert I Of King of Cologne 2, Clovis 'the Riparian' Of King of Cologne 1) was born Abt 0655 in Laon, Aisne, Austrasia, France.
Martin married Bertrada 'of Merovinga' DE PRUEM Princess of Nuestria (See Link for Ancestry), daughter of Theodoric 'Thierry' III 'of Merovinga' Of NUESTRIA King of all Franks [679-691] and Clotilde Of AUSTRASIA, Cir 0690. Bertrada was born Abt 0676 in Pruem, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany and died Abt 0740.
The Child from this marriage was:

Eleventh Generation

| Click Wikipedia for more on Charles Martel 'the Hammer' 'Carolus' D' AUSTRASIA |  |
16. Charles Martel 'the Hammer' 'Carolus' D' AUSTRASIA Mayor of The Palace of Austrasia (Pepin II DE Major Domus of The Palace of Austrasia (679-714) 10, Ansgise Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia 9, Saint_Arnulf Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia, Bishop of Metz 8, Bodegeisel II Of Governor of Aquitaine 7, Saint_Gondolfus Of Bishop of Tongres 6, Munderic Of Lord of Vitrey 5, Cloderic I 'The Parricide' Of King of Cologne 4, Sigebert I 'The Lame' Of King of Cologne 3, Childebert I Of King of Cologne 2, Clovis 'the Riparian' Of King of Cologne 1) was born in 0689 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium,68 980 2291 2292 died 22 Oct 0741 in Quierzy-sur-Oise, Aisne, Picardy, France,68 980 2291 2292 and was buried in Monastery of St Denis, Paris, Ile-de-France, France.68 Another name for Charles was Charles MARTEL.68 1915 2291 2294
Charles married Rotrou DE TREVES,68 2292 2294 daughter of Saint_Leutwinus DE TREVES Bishop de Trieves and Willigarde DE AGILOFINGES, Abt 0713.68 2292 Rotrou was born Abt 0690 in Treves, Rhone, Rhone-Alpes, France 68 and died in 0724.68 2292 2294
Children from this marriage were:
21. | ii. | Carloman I D' AUSTRASIA King of the Franks 68 2255 was born Abt 0715 in Austrasia, Flanders (now Belgium) 68 2255 and died 17 Aug 0755 in Monastery at Monte Cassino, Italy.68 2255 Another name for Carloman was Carloman DE FRANCIA.
22. | iii. | Bernard D' AUSTRASIA Duc de Francia 68 2248 was born Abt 0720 in Austrasia, France 68 and died in Francia, France. Another name for Bernard was Bernard DE FRANCIA.
Charles next married Swanhilde Of BAVARIA 68 1915 Bef 0718.68 Swanhilde was born Abt 0700 in Bavaria, Germany.68
Children from this marriage were:
24. | i. | Landrade Martel D' AUSTRASIA 68 1915 was born Abt 0718 in Austrasia, France.68
25. | ii. | Daughter of Charles Martel D' AUSTRASIA 68 was born Abt 0735 in Austrasia, Flanders (now Belgium).68
18. Bertrada 'of Merovinga' DE PRUEM Princess of Nuestria (Clotilde Of AUSTRASIA 10, Ansgise Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia 9, Saint_Arnulf Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia, Bishop of Metz 8, Bodegeisel II Of Governor of Aquitaine 7, Saint_Gondolfus Of Bishop of Tongres 6, Munderic Of Lord of Vitrey 5, Cloderic I 'The Parricide' Of King of Cologne 4, Sigebert I 'The Lame' Of King of Cologne 3, Childebert I Of King of Cologne 2, Clovis 'the Riparian' Of King of Cologne 1) was born Abt 0676 in Pruem, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany and died Abt 0740.
Bertrada married Martin DE LAON Comte de Laon (See Link for Ancestry), son of Ansgise Of AUSTRASIA Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia and Saint_Begga Of LANDEN, Cir 0690. Martin was born Abt 0655 in Laon, Aisne, Austrasia, France.
See the
Martin DE LAON Comte de Laon Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
19. Charibert DE LAON Duque de Laon (Martin DE Comte de Laon 10, Ansgise Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia 9, Saint_Arnulf Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia, Bishop of Metz 8, Bodegeisel II Of Governor of Aquitaine 7, Saint_Gondolfus Of Bishop of Tongres 6, Munderic Of Lord of Vitrey 5, Cloderic I 'The Parricide' Of King of Cologne 4, Sigebert I 'The Lame' Of King of Cologne 3, Childebert I Of King of Cologne 2, Clovis 'the Riparian' Of King of Cologne 1) was born Cir 0690 in Prob Laon, Aisne, Austrasia, France and died Bef 0762 of Laon, Aisne, Austrasia, France. Another name for Charibert was Carobert DE LAON.
Charibert married Bertrada Von ECHTERNACH Cir 0710. Bertrada was born Abt 0695 in Cologne (Koln), Germany.
The Child from this marriage was:
26. | i. |
Bertha DE LAON 68 2296 2297 was born Abt 0725 in Laon, Aisne, Picardy, France,68 died 20 Jul 0783 in Choisy, Bourgogne, Austrasia, France,68 2296 2297 and was buried in St. Denis Basilica, Paris, Ile-de-France, France.68

Twelfth Generation

| Click Wikipedia for more on Pepin III 'The Short' 'de Carolus' Martel D' AUSTRASIA |  |
20. Pepin III 'The Short' 'de Carolus' Martel D' AUSTRASIA King of Franks (1st Carolingian King) 68 2295 2296 2297 (Charles Martel 'the Hammer' 'Carolus' D' Mayor of The Palace of Austrasia 11, Pepin II DE Major Domus of The Palace of Austrasia (679-714) 10, Ansgise Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia 9, Saint_Arnulf Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia, Bishop of Metz 8, Bodegeisel II Of Governor of Aquitaine 7, Saint_Gondolfus Of Bishop of Tongres 6, Munderic Of Lord of Vitrey 5, Cloderic I 'The Parricide' Of King of Cologne 4, Sigebert I 'The Lame' Of King of Cologne 3, Childebert I Of King of Cologne 2, Clovis 'the Riparian' Of King of Cologne 1) was born Abt 0714 in Austrasia, France,68 2295 2296 2297 died 24 Sep 0768 of Austrasia, Flanders (now Belgium),68 2295 2296 2297 and was buried in St. Denis Basilica, Paris, Ile-de-France, France.
Pepin married Bertha DE LAON (See Link for Ancestry),68 2296 2297 daughter of Charibert DE LAON Duque de Laon and Bertrada Von ECHTERNACH, Abt 0740.68 2297 Bertha was born Abt 0725 in Laon, Aisne, Picardy, France,68 died 20 Jul 0783 in Choisy, Bourgogne, Austrasia, France,68 2296 2297 and was buried in St. Denis Basilica, Paris, Ile-de-France, France.68 Another name for Bertha was Berthe 'with the Big Feet' DE LAON.
Children from this marriage were:
27. | i. |
Charlemagne 'Carolus Magnus' I Of PRUSSIA Holy Roman Emperor [800-814], King Of Franks [771] 68 2163 2238 2239 2240 2241 was born 2 Apr 0742 in Ingelheim-am-Rhein, Mainz-Bingen, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany,68 2163 2238 2239 2241 died 28 Jan 0814 in Aix-la-Chapelle, Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia,68 2163 2238 2239 2241 and was buried in Aachen Cathedral, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany.68 2163
Pepin next married Leuthergis UNKNOWN 68 Cir 0750. Leuthergis was born Abt 0730 in Austrasia, France.68
The Child from this marriage was:
23. Auda 'Aldane' MARTEL 68 2130 2298 (Charles Martel 'the Hammer' 'Carolus' D' Mayor of The Palace of Austrasia 11, Pepin II DE Major Domus of The Palace of Austrasia (679-714) 10, Ansgise Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia 9, Saint_Arnulf Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia, Bishop of Metz 8, Bodegeisel II Of Governor of Aquitaine 7, Saint_Gondolfus Of Bishop of Tongres 6, Munderic Of Lord of Vitrey 5, Cloderic I 'The Parricide' Of King of Cologne 4, Sigebert I 'The Lame' Of King of Cologne 3, Childebert I Of King of Cologne 2, Clovis 'the Riparian' Of King of Cologne 1) was born Bef 0724 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium 68 and died Bef 0805.68 2298
Auda married Thierry DE TOULOUSE Comte d'Autun Cir 0745.68 Thierry was born Abt 0720 in Autun, Saone-et-Loire, Bourgogne, France and died Bef 0805 in Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, Midi-Pyrenees, France.
The Child from this marriage was:
26. Bertha DE LAON 68 2296 2297 (Charibert DE Duque de Laon 11, Martin DE Comte de Laon 10, Ansgise Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia 9, Saint_Arnulf Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia, Bishop of Metz 8, Bodegeisel II Of Governor of Aquitaine 7, Saint_Gondolfus Of Bishop of Tongres 6, Munderic Of Lord of Vitrey 5, Cloderic I 'The Parricide' Of King of Cologne 4, Sigebert I 'The Lame' Of King of Cologne 3, Childebert I Of King of Cologne 2, Clovis 'the Riparian' Of King of Cologne 1) was born Abt 0725 in Laon, Aisne, Picardy, France,68 died 20 Jul 0783 in Choisy, Bourgogne, Austrasia, France,68 2296 2297 and was buried in St. Denis Basilica, Paris, Ile-de-France, France.68 Another name for Bertha was Berthe 'with the Big Feet' DE LAON.
Bertha married Pepin III 'The Short' 'de Carolus' Martel D' AUSTRASIA King of Frank (See Link for Ancestry)s (1st Carolingian King),68 2295 2296 2297 son of Charles Martel 'the Hammer' 'Carolus' D' AUSTRASIA Mayor of The Palace of Austrasia and Rotrou DE TREVES, Abt 0740.68 2297 Pepin was born Abt 0714 in Austrasia, France,68 2295 2296 2297 died 24 Sep 0768 of Austrasia, Flanders (now Belgium),68 2295 2296 2297 and was buried in St. Denis Basilica, Paris, Ile-de-France, France.
See the
Pepin III 'The Short' 'de Carolus' Martel D' AUSTRASIA King of Frank Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.

Thirteenth Generation

| Click Wikipedia for more on Charlemagne 'Carolus Magnus' I Of PRUSSIA |  |
27. Charlemagne 'Carolus Magnus' I Of PRUSSIA Holy Roman Emperor [800-814], King Of Franks [771] 68 2163 2238 2239 2240 2241 (Pepin III 'The Short' 'de Carolus' Martel D' King of Franks (1st Carolingian King) 12, Charles Martel 'the Hammer' 'Carolus' D' Mayor of The Palace of Austrasia 11, Pepin II DE Major Domus of The Palace of Austrasia (679-714) 10, Ansgise Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia 9, Saint_Arnulf Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia, Bishop of Metz 8, Bodegeisel II Of Governor of Aquitaine 7, Saint_Gondolfus Of Bishop of Tongres 6, Munderic Of Lord of Vitrey 5, Cloderic I 'The Parricide' Of King of Cologne 4, Sigebert I 'The Lame' Of King of Cologne 3, Childebert I Of King of Cologne 2, Clovis 'the Riparian' Of King of Cologne 1) was born 2 Apr 0742 in Ingelheim-am-Rhein, Mainz-Bingen, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany,68 2163 2238 2239 2241 died 28 Jan 0814 in Aix-la-Chapelle, Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia,68 2163 2238 2239 2241 and was buried in Aachen Cathedral, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany.68 2163 Another name for Charlemagne was Charlemagne DE FRANCE.
Charlemagne had a relationship with Himiltrude (Mistress of Charlemagne) UNKNOWN 68 2242 Cir 0765 in as his Mistress.68 Himiltrude was born Abt 0746 in Aachen, Rheinland, Prussia.68
See the
Charlemagne 'Carolus Magnus' I Of PRUSSIA Holy Roman Emperor [800-8 Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
Charlemagne married Hildegard DE SWABIA 68 2163 2239 2240 2241 Abt 0771 in Aachen, Rheinland, Prussia.68 2163 2239 2241 Hildegard was born in 0758 in Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany,68 2239 2241 died 30 Apr 0783 in Thionville, Moselle, Lorraine, France,68 2163 2239 2241 and was buried in St. Arnoul Abbey, Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France.
See the
Charlemagne 'Carolus Magnus' I Of PRUSSIA Holy Roman Emperor [800-8 Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
Charlemagne next had a relationship with Reginopycrha 'Regina' UNKNOWN (Mistress of Charlemagne) 68 1608 Cir 0790 in as his Mistress.68 Reginopycrha was born in 0770 in Aachen, Rheinland, Prussia.68
See the
Charlemagne 'Carolus Magnus' I Of PRUSSIA Holy Roman Emperor [800-8 Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
28. Raedburh D' AUSTRASIA 2163 (Pepin III 'The Short' 'de Carolus' Martel D' King of Franks (1st Carolingian King) 12, Charles Martel 'the Hammer' 'Carolus' D' Mayor of The Palace of Austrasia 11, Pepin II DE Major Domus of The Palace of Austrasia (679-714) 10, Ansgise Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia 9, Saint_Arnulf Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia, Bishop of Metz 8, Bodegeisel II Of Governor of Aquitaine 7, Saint_Gondolfus Of Bishop of Tongres 6, Munderic Of Lord of Vitrey 5, Cloderic I 'The Parricide' Of King of Cologne 4, Sigebert I 'The Lame' Of King of Cologne 3, Childebert I Of King of Cologne 2, Clovis 'the Riparian' Of King of Cologne 1) was born Bef 0774 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia 68 and died of Wessex (West Saxony), England.68 2163 Another name for Raedburh was Raedburh DE CAROLIGIANS.68 1239 2166
Raedburh married Egbert 'Gewissa' Of WESSEX 1st King of Wessex [802-839] (See Link for Ancestry) [802-839],68 2163 son of Eahlmund 'Gewissa' Of WESSEX King of Kent [784-789] and Daughter of Aethelbert 'Oiscing' Of KENT Princess of Kent, Cir 0800.68 2163 Egbert was born Abt 0775 in Wessex (West Saxony), England,68 died After 19 Nov 0838,68 2163 and was buried in Winchester Cathedral, Winchester, Hampshire, England.68 2163
See the
Egbert 'Gewissa' Of WESSEX 1st King of Wessex [802-839] Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
29. Bertbelle Martel D' AUSTRASIA 68 (Pepin III 'The Short' 'de Carolus' Martel D' King of Franks (1st Carolingian King) 12, Charles Martel 'the Hammer' 'Carolus' D' Mayor of The Palace of Austrasia 11, Pepin II DE Major Domus of The Palace of Austrasia (679-714) 10, Ansgise Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia 9, Saint_Arnulf Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia, Bishop of Metz 8, Bodegeisel II Of Governor of Aquitaine 7, Saint_Gondolfus Of Bishop of Tongres 6, Munderic Of Lord of Vitrey 5, Cloderic I 'The Parricide' Of King of Cologne 4, Sigebert I 'The Lame' Of King of Cologne 3, Childebert I Of King of Cologne 2, Clovis 'the Riparian' Of King of Cologne 1) was born Abt 0760 in Austrasia, France 68 and died of Ver, Manche, Normandy, France.
Bertbelle married Milo DE VERE Comte d'Anjou, Duc d'Angiers (See Link for Ancestry), son of Raymond DE VERE 1st Comte d'Anjou and Melusine D' ALBHA, Cir 0780. Milo was born Abt 0755 in Angiers, France 68 and died Abt 0795 of Ver, Manche, Normandy, France.68 Another name for Milo was Milo D' ANGIERS.68 See the
Milo DE VERE Comte d'Anjou, Duc d'Angiers Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
30. (Saint) William DE TOULOUSE Comte de Toulouse 68 (Auda 'Aldane' MARTEL 12, Charles Martel 'the Hammer' 'Carolus' D' Mayor of The Palace of Austrasia 11, Pepin II DE Major Domus of The Palace of Austrasia (679-714) 10, Ansgise Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia 9, Saint_Arnulf Of Major Domus of Palace of Austrasia, Bishop of Metz 8, Bodegeisel II Of Governor of Aquitaine 7, Saint_Gondolfus Of Bishop of Tongres 6, Munderic Of Lord of Vitrey 5, Cloderic I 'The Parricide' Of King of Cologne 4, Sigebert I 'The Lame' Of King of Cologne 3, Childebert I Of King of Cologne 2, Clovis 'the Riparian' Of King of Cologne 1) was born Abt 0751 in Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, Midi-Pyrenees, France 68 and died 28 May 0812 in Gellone Monastery, Aniane, Herault, Languedoc, France.68
William married Gilbour Of HORNBACH 68 Cir 0775.68 Gilbour was born Cir 0760 in Hornbach, Prussia 68 and died Bef 0803.68
The Child from this marriage was:
See the
Pepin 'de Carolus' DE CARLOMAN King of Italy [781-810] Entry for this Couple's Children and Descendants.
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